
October 2024

OPEN DAYS - Open up your architectural office to the public and show us your most beautiful projects during archiweek 2024.

Brussels is currently one of the most attractive architectural hotspots. Several Brussels agencies have developed an outstanding reputation. In several specific fields, such as sustainable construction, our region even plays a pioneering role. To boost this success story, Urban organises archiweek. This yearly event highlights the contemporary architecture scene in our beloved Brussels. The fifth edition of the event shall take place from 5 to 13 October 2043. In cooperation with several partners Urban will organize guided tours, walking and cycling routes, workshops for families and conferences free of charge for everyone.

archiweek is all about architecture and its key players.

But instead of merely showcasing our finest architectural gems, we also want to introduce as many people as possible to your profession. We want to encourage people to make their way to our architectural offices. That is why we propose to organise open days on the evening of Friday 11 October and in the weekend of 12 and 13 October 2024, so that visitors can discover your finest works and can get acquainted with the intricacies of your profession. We also welcome activities like debates or conferences held in your premises.

That way we really want to make the archiweek about you.

If you would like to seize the opportunity to open your architectural office to the broad public to discover your work or a specific project by means of (guided) visits, please register via the registration form on our website (preferably before 18 September 2024) or contact the archiweek team at

Thank you for your cooperation in order to promote our Brussels architectural scene.

Bety Waknine, Executive Director of Urban

Jules Toulet ©


  • Project nominated for the Brussels Architecture Prize
  • Sustainable Architecture
  • New in town
  • Agency visit
  • Partner