When architecture meets landscape
How can an architectural project be designed in relation to the surrounding landscape and viceversa? This is the subject of this first debate, which brings together the practices of Bas Smets, BOB361, Landinzicht, OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen and V+. The debate is moderated by Nikolaus Hirsch, Artistic Director of CIVA.
The projects of these 5 offices shortlisted for the Brussels Architecture Prize question spatial, societal and ecological norms. During this debate, the speakers discuss the relationship between their project and its context, and how this redefines the concept of landscape.
The Brussels Architecture Prize is an initiative of the Brussels-Capital Region that is implemented by Urban in co-production with A+ Architecture in Belgium. A cycle of 4 debates, produced in collaboration with CIVA, invites speakers to express their views on a specific theme through their architectural practice. When Architecture Meets Landscape is the first debate in the series.
Find out more about the other debates

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Rue de l'Ermitage/Kluisstraat 55
1050 Ixelles/Elsene
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