Program 2024

Debate / Partner

What can we learn from research on sustainability/circularity in architectural education?

BVA, the Professional Association for Architects, invites three recently graduated architects (and their supervisors) to present their graduation projects and discuss their work with each other and the public.

  • Silke Vergauwen & Len De Smijtere: “Op weg naar circulaire architectuur: De rol van de architect omtrent circulair bouwen in Vlaanderen” (Promotor: Jan Moens, UGent)
  • Gabriel Singeorzan: "Matchmaking between supply and demand of reclaimed construction products using online platforms: Understanding the added values for the construction actor" (Promotor: Ruben Van Vooren, VUB)
  • Maria Lahni: “The Robinia Pseudoacacia and its Role in Increasing the Urban Climate Resilience of Brussels” (Promotor: Jan Wurm, KU Leuven)

With this debate, BVA wants to build a bridge between architectural practice and education. The discussion will revolve around the 8 Criteria for a High-Quality Baukultur (developed in the context of the Davos Declaration), which BVA uses as a 'framework' for all its activities.



Contact & Booking

Aurelie De Smet
● Online booking

Address of the visit

Paleizenstraat 65-67
1030 Schaarbeek


Practical informations

PRM access
WC Access
Photos allowed


Thu October 10, 2024

18:00 → 20:00

nl / en

  • The curator's selection
  • Sustainable Architecture
  • Agency visit
  • Partner