Exhibition / Partner
PREFIGURATIONS: een tentoonstelling over Architectuur en Transities
Today, the practice of (landscape) architecture is facing a paradox. On the one hand, the architectural practice of the Eurodelta is under the spotlight for its exemplary commissioning, sharp architectural criticism, and innovative design. On the other hand, the way in which we continue to build, take up more space, harden surfaces and consume materials and energy conflicts with the ambitious climate, circularity, and solidarity goals we have set ourselves as a society. The changes that our energy, water or food systems face are pivotal, and will need to take place in every building, neighbourhood, and public space.
In the face of these urgent changes, the exhibition PREFIGURATIONS was launched this summer. The exhibition will be on display during Archiweek. It entails forty architectural projects, disclosing the seeds for transitions to a sustainable and social living environment and invite you to reconsider the architectural practice.
PREFIGURATIONS is part of The Great Transformation 2020-2030, a multidisciplinary thinktank, incubator and public programme that established an agenda of ten Future Places – let the exhibition guide you along these places.
The exhibition will be open during Archiweek, for visits, guided tours, and an additional program.
Dates and hours:
- Every day during Archiweek, 2pm-7pm, with the exception of 16 October and 17 October
- Regular guided tours: Saturday 15 October, Wednesday 19 October, Saturday 22 October
- Additional program: Tuesday 18 October, Thursday 20 October
Register for a guided tour https://degroteverbouwing.eu/forms/prefigurations+visit+the+exhibition/?hash=33e75ff09dd601bbe69f351039152189
Register for the additional program https://degroteverbouwing.eu/forms/prefigurations+october+program/?hash=34173cb38f07f89ddbebc2ac9128303f
© Tim Van de Velde

● Without booking
Address of the visit
Pachecolaan 34
1000 Brussel
Practical informations
PRM access
WC Access
Photos allowed