Guided tour / Comingtogether / Ownership
Pocket Parks: La Halte/De Halte
Team : vvv architecture urbanisme, Bloc Paysage
How can you make room for greenery, relaxation and tranquillity in densely populated neighbourhoods where there is little open space left over? One solution being tested in Laeken/Laken is to create 'pocket parks' for local people in unused spaces fragmented by roads and railway tracks. Four such parks are now planned, one of which has already been completed. Each will have its own theme, linked to the neighbourhood: one focuses on urban agriculture, and another provides an outdoor seating area overlooking the city, while a third (the one participating in archiweek) is a former railway station known as La Halte/De Halte ('The Stop'). Local residents can follow the construction of these parks and related activities live on Facebook.
The park featured in archiweek has a rich history. It is situated on the site of what was once a private train station used by the Belgian royal family, from where they were able to pass straight into the grounds of their adjacent palace via a gate in the estate's walls. The La Halte/De Halte pocket park will open up this space to the public.
The visits on 16.10.2021 at 14:00 and 15:00 will be given by the architect.

● BookingMeeting place
At the intersection of the Albertstraat and the Chaussée de Vilvorde in Laeken
Address of the visit
Rue Albert/Albertstraat 43
1020 Bruxelles/Brussel
Practical informations
PRM access
Photos allowed