Agency visit
Pierre Blondel Architectes
Active since 1988, Pierre Blondel Architects designs collective urban housing projects in dense urban environments, mainly in and around Brussels. Our portfolio contains new publicly subsidized real-estate developments as well as complete refurbishments and privately funded collective housing. It also contains a remarkable set of public buildings, such as kindergartens, sports halls, and administrative and office buildings. Our projects were published and rewarded, winning several architectural prizes.
Even in a complex and dense urban environment, our projects are the built proof that is possible to conceive well-structured and harmonious architectural solutions. They are also a testimony to the evolution and ingenuity of the public housing programs. Their medium and small-scale seamless integration into the city’s urban fabric is a success.
For thirty years, our office’s work has focused on reshaping the image of public housing in Belgium, an often forgotten and discarded architectural sector.
Our practice inspired important transformations in the public sector’s view of collective housing: its scale, quality, durability, adaptability, and social appropriateness changed dramatically and are now part of the city’s ordinary urban fabric.

● Without booking
Address of the visit
Place Eugène Flagey 7
1050 Ixelles - Bruxelles
Practical informations
PRM access with assistance
WC Access