Lecture / Agency visit
Philippe SAMYN and PARTNERS, architects & engineers
Philippe SAMYN and PARTNERS, founded in 1980, is a private company owned by its partners and led by its Design Partner Dr Ir Philippe SAMYN. With its affiliated companies FTI (founded in 1985), DAE (founded in 1994) and AirSR (founded in 2003), it is active in all fields of architecture and building engineering.
Philippe Samyn’s architectural and engineering design approach is based on questioning, which can be summarised as a “why” methodology inspired by the client aspiration and the genius loci. The firm approaches projects openly to all sorts of possibilities whilst listening closely to its client demands.
On the occasion of Archiweek, we invite you to attend a conference by Philippe Samyn in our agency located in the former Stassart farm in Uccle on Saturday October 22 at 2 p.m.

Contact & Booking
Wendy Auteri
Address of the visit
chaussée de Waterloo 1537
1180 Uccle
Practical informations
No PRM access
WC Access
Photos allowed