Exhibition / Partner
Institutions & the City:The Role of Architecture
The exhibition Institutions & the City:T he Role of Architecture explores the relationship between architecture and institutions. The state, the Church, the army, the judiciary, the bank, education and marriage, as structures, organize social relations, regulate societies according to various practices, rites and rules of conduct and they steer our actions. Architecture plays an essential role in their establishment, identification and perpetuation.
Based on the graphic production and reflections of architecture students from LOCI – UCLouvain, this exhibition takes the Royal Route in Brussels as an example of an urban figure. It explores the strategies put in place over time by political, judicial, religious, financial and cultural institutions to inscribe themselves durably in the country’s social order, revealing the way institutions function as well as similar spatial responses and surprisingly common processes of change.
Young visitors are welcome; wooden play equipment will be available, allowing them to build a new tracé royal of their own!
Exhibition coordinated by Émilie Bechet, Gérald Ledent, Cécile Vandernoot (UCLouvain - LOCI), with the participation of Corentin Haubruge. In partnership with ICA-WB and Recyclart Fabrik.
Meet in the Espace Collectif of the BNP Paribas Fortis Head Office. Entrance via Rue des Douze Apôtres/Twaalfapostelenstraat 3, 1000 Brussels.
Free admission.

● Without booking
Address of the visit
Rue des douze apôtres 3
1000 Bruxelles
Practical informations
PRM access
WC Access
Photos allowed