Partner / Workshop
COMPLET - Atelier d'architecture participative
FULL What is participation in current architectural practice ? Why is designing for and with the future users of a space relevant ? And, above all, how can the citizen be integrated into the practice ?
The non-profit Com'on Home is active in supporting the development of forms of collective housing in Brussels. These questions are part of our daily work and for us, the mixed use and flexibility of a building depends on the appropriation of these functions by its future users.
For the archiweek, we invite you to a Cohab Atelier, a workshop, in order to identify and reflect together on the modalities of an architecture that integrates the citizen.
The objectives of this workshop are to 1°) Define what we mean by citizen or participatory architecture ; 2°) Identify the points of dialogue between future inhabitants and architects ; 3°) Identify and deepen the main elements for a participatory architecture.
Ready to join us?

Contact & Booking
Com'on Home
● Online booking
Address of the visit
Monténégro 144
1190 Forest
Practical informations
No PRM access
WC Access
Photos allowed