Guided tour / Flexibility / Comingtogether / Ownership
Team: D'Ieteren Immo; Makettt; 51N4E
Climate change means that we have to start taking a different approach to our raw materials. One much-touted solution is the 'circular' or green economy. But what exactly does the circular economy look like? Where and with whom is it being developed?
In 2020, a total of 20,000 m² of showrooms, garages, workshops and other rooms at D'Ieteren Centre were repurposed as production spaces for companies working in the circular economy. Under the stewardship of Makettt, Circularium is now fully operational. Up to 100 people work here on an average weekday. Joiners, metal and textile workers, a recycling lab, IT programmers, social workers, a used electronics dealer, a bicycle firm and interns from the local technical college share the former car factory, using it for their workshops and studios.
This very successful repurposing was made possible by the building's flexible structure and architecture. The intrinsic features of the original spaces form a starting point: high-ceilinged areas for large-scale production activities, an unheated warehouse for activities mainly requiring storage, and so on. To avoid fragmenting the large spaces that are the site's unique asset, smaller companies were encouraged to share facilities, thereby creating an ecosystem of short supply chains integral to the circular and green economy.
The Covid Safe Ticket applies.

● BookingAddress of the visit
Chaussée de Mons/Bergensesteenweg 95
1070 Anderlecht
Practical informations
PRM access
WC Access
Photos allowed