Walking Tour / Partner
Bouwstenen voor Toekomstplekken
Last year during ArchiWeek we walked through the north of the Brussels pentagon, this year we head to the southwest. There, too, the old industrial districts are in the midst of change. A series of projects focuses on the necessary rearrangement of the urban physical and social space and makes visible the transformations the city is undergoing along the canal. The old industrial fabric is giving way to new socio-economic activities. We take you along these Future Places, places that lay the seeds for better housing, working, and living together in the city.
We start the walk at Anderlecht’s slaughterhouse, Abattoir, where the master plan for the redevelopment of the site is in full swing with an urban farm on the roof of a new market hall. We then cross the Heyvaert neighbourhood past the Circularium and Ninoofsepoort Park, across the canal. Along the way, we pass several inspiring and innovative initiatives. Atelier Groot Eiland, for example, uses the edible city as a lever for employment, with a vegetable garden under the newly renovated Brunfaut tower. The walk ends at MolenWest square, a brownfield site temporarily appropriated by local associations and youth.
The walk takes place on Sunday 23 October 2022 as part of ArchiWeek and The Great Transformation 2020-2030.
Start: 14:00h at Abattoir (Ropsy Chaudronstraat 24, 1070 Anderlecht) End: 17:00h at MolenWest square (Alphonse Vandenpeereboomstraat 193, 1080 Sint-Jans-Molenbeek)
Language: alternately French/Dutch
Guided by: Roeland Dudal (Architecture Workroom Brussels)
Cost: free of charge
© Bob van Mol

Contact & Booking
● Online booking
Address of the visit
Ropsy Chaudronstraat 24
1070 Anderlecht
Practical informations
No PRM access
Photos allowed