Program 2022

Agency visit

atelier tom vanhee

we believe that good architecture and urban planning stimulate people. give them a pleasant housing and/or work environment. bring tranquillity or energy. astonish and move. underline their personality. ‍ the spatial experience is in part shaped by associations. just as a particular smell awakens a personal association in one person, associations form and reinforce the experience of a building. ‍ it is not necessary to look at buildings as static things. they are dynamic and change with the light, with cloudy skies or bright sunshine, with the seasons and their environment. ‍

architecture and urban planning need to find the right relationship to their surroundings. they need to adapt. give an impulse. trigger an adjustment. ‍ we create our projects with a social conscience and we want to bring an added value to people and space. keeping the future in mind is essential for this. buildings must outlive their users. this approach ensures that our projects are grounded both sociologically and ecologically. ‍

without weakening the spatial experience, character or aesthetics. the sustainability of a building or spatial structure depends just as much on how much we love the experience of it.




Contact & Booking

Tom Vanhee

Address of the visit

Bloemenstraat 32
1000 Brussel


Practical informations

PRM access with assistance
WC Access
Photos allowed

  • The curator's selection
  • Sustainable Architecture
  • Agency visit
  • Partner